Jacob Goh Chuan Ching,马来西亚雪兰莪州Petaling Jaya Selangor开发商
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Jacob Goh Chuan Ching

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Petaling Jaya Selangor, Malaysia
Toptal Member Since
August 2, 2021

Jacob拥有8年的全栈软件工程师专业经验. 他喜欢构建针对可扩展性和性能进行优化的web应用程序. Jacob在前端使用Vue和React、NestJS、TRPC和Node开发了web应用程序.js on the back end, and PostgreSQL, MySQL, 和MongoDB作为数据库,同时使用各种技术在AWS上部署应用程序, including CloudFormation, ECS, ECR, EC2, RDS, S3, and CloudFront.


Centerlogic, Inc.
Node.js, SQL, REST, PostgreSQL, Express.js, TypeScript, PHP...
Aerofone Communications Proprietary Limited
Vue, Nuxt.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Chargebee, Azure, Azure Cosmos DB...
Asia Wealth Platform Pte Ltd
JavaScript, TypeScript, Contentful,内容管理系统(CMS)...




Preferred Environment

Vue, NestJS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, JavaScript, TypeScript, Docker, Elasticsearch, Amazon Web Services (AWS), React

The most amazing...

...我开发的是一个符合规范的OAuth 2服务提供者,它为一组应用程序处理身份验证和授权.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2023
Centerlogic, Inc.
  • 将使用PHP和MySQL的传统应用程序迁移到使用NextJS的现代全栈应用程序, React, Tailwind, Prisma, PostgreSQL, ExpressJS, TRPC, and TypeScript.
  • 使用Prisma, PostgreSQL, ExpressJS, TRPC和TypeScript开发REST api.
  • Developed the admin dashboard using Next.JS, React, and Tailwind.
  • 使用Tailwind和React Hooks开发自定义React组件.
  • 创建OpenAPI规范,并在Swagger客户机上提供文档.
  • Developed a customized subscription, invoicing & payment system using Elavon ConvergePay.
  • 将订阅从Stripe迁移到内部定制订阅系统.
  • Developed custom PDF reports using Puppeteer and Browserless.
  • 集成了Saas应用程序和第三方服务,如Modernizing Medicine.
Technologies: Node.js, SQL, REST, PostgreSQL, Express.js, TypeScript, PHP, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), PHP 7, OAuth 2, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Docker, Prisma, Swagger, OpenAPI, APIs, REST APIs, Jamstack, Auth0 API, Auth0 Management API v2, Auth0, Monorepos, Back-end, Databases, Front-end, Full-stack, SCSS, Stripe

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
Aerofone Communications Proprietary Limited
  • 开发Saas应用,帮助中小企业通过短信营销发展业务.
  • 整合应用程序与Chargebee处理订阅和支付.
  • 开发了一个订阅服务来管理产品许可和重复使用配额.
  • Integrated the app with a third-party marketplace like AppSumo, providing a limited lifetime license to AppSumo users.
  • 使用NuxtJS, Vue和Vuetify开发了一个高度交互的UI.
  • Developed Serverless REST API using Azure Functions.
  • 使用Slack等工具领导和协作内部和远程开发/设计团队, ClickUp, and MS Team.
  • 开发了一个完全自定义的拖放UI,以帮助用户创建用于营销目的的登录页面.
  • 审查团队成员创建的代码,以确保可读性、可维护性和性能.
  • 参与与利益相关者的会议,讨论新产品功能和项目时间表的可行性.
Technologies: Vue, Nuxt.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Chargebee, Azure, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Vuetify, Azure DevOps, Git, GitHub, Stripe, Node.js, APIs, REST APIs, Jamstack, Serverless, Jest, Auth0 API, Auth0 Management API v2, Auth0, Monorepos, Back-end, Databases, Front-end, Unit Testing, Full-stack, SCSS, CI/CD Pipelines

Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
Asia Wealth Platform Pte Ltd
  • 开发了跨不同Contentful数据模型迁移内容的迁移脚本.
  • 开发了迁移脚本,将Contentful入门级本地化内容迁移到使用字段级本地化.
  • Utilized Contentful Management API to create and update content.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Contentful,内容管理系统(CMS), Data Migration, RxJS, HTML, CSS3, Git, REST APIs, Back-end

Senior Software Engineer

2021 - 2021
  • 将遗留的PHP和MySQL项目迁移到现代JavaScript技术栈上.
  • 识别并修复代码库中导致数据损坏的竞态条件.
  • Fixed bugs that cause Node.js heap out-of-memory issues.
  • Fixed state managements issues in the front-end Vue.js web app.
  • 提出不同的软件架构,可以大大提高产品的可扩展性.
  • 与产品经理一起按照敏捷方法开发新功能.
  • Developed front-end applications in Nuxt.js and Vue.js.
  • Developed back-end applications in Nest and MongoDB.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, Vue, NestJS, MySQL, Nuxt.js, PHP, Slim, CodeIgniter, HTML, CSS3, GraphQL, Git, APIs, REST APIs, Jamstack, NoSQL, Back-end, Databases, Front-end, Full-stack, SCSS, Cypress

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2021
  • 开发了一个符合规范的OAuth 2服务提供者,用于处理一组应用程序的身份验证和授权.
  • 使用GitLab CI和Google Cloud Compute Engine创建CI工具.
  • 根据项目需求设计安全、可扩展的服务器架构, and deployed on AWS, Google Cloud.
  • 担任顾问,帮助客户优化其Elasticsearch服务器性能.
  • 为流行的新闻门户网站设置Varnish缓存服务器,可以有效地将响应时间缩短到100ms以下.
  • 为不同项目的初级和中级工程师团队提供建议和监督.
  • Created a version-controlled critical appraisal tool using Vue.js, NestJS, Postgres, Quill, and Bull.
  • 使用NestJS和Postgres为Android和iOS应用开发REST API.
  • Developed front-end applications in Nuxt.js and Vue.js.
  • Developed back-end applications in Nest.js, Strapi, and Postgres.
技术:TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, NestJS, Node.js, Vue, Nuxt.js, SQL, AWS CloudFormation, Docker, Docker Compose, Google Cloud, NGINX, WordPress, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine (GCE), Redis, Message Queues, Varnish, HTML, CSS3, Git, APIs, REST APIs, Jamstack, RxJS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon DynamoDB, Express.js, Jest, Redux, TypeORM, Monorepos, Back-end, Databases, Front-end, Unit Testing, Full-stack, SCSS, CI/CD Pipelines, Socket.IO

Web Developer

2017 - 2018
The Edge Property
  • Developed a new search interface for smart property search.
  • 根据提供的设计为公司的网页设计样式.
  • 维护和开发现有的Drupal 7属性列表网站.
  • Created a new interior designer platform using Drupal 7.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue, Drupal 7, PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, CSS3, Git, APIs, REST APIs, Jamstack, Back-end, Databases, Front-end, Full-stack

Full-stack Web Developer

2015 - 2017
Fireworks Solution
  • 在Drupal中创建了一个高流量马来西亚新闻门户的移动响应前端, using Bootstrap and jQuery.
  • 使用jQuery和Boostrap构建了一个数字报纸的移动响应前端.
  • Took over and maintained a Codeigniter-based eCommerce website.
  • Created REST API for Android and iOS apps in PHP and MySQL.
  • Developed mobile web views for Android and iOS apps in PHP.
Technologies: CodeIgniter, PHP, CSS, SCSS, WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Bootstrap, jQuery, Back-end, Databases, Front-end, Full-stack, Bitbucket

Application Suite for Medical Researchers

一套包含集中式基于OAuth 2的身份验证服务器的应用程序, 用于医学研究的版本控制关键评估工具, and others. I was the project lead, 直接与客户内部团队沟通,收集客户需求, planning for tasks ahead, leading software design meetings, developing features, reviewing peer's code, handling deliveries, presenting updates on behalf of the team on a bi-weekly basis.

Toptal React Accelerator

Toptal React Accelerator是一个专门为JavaScript开发人员提供React培训的学习项目, NextJS, Redux, and GraphQL. 这是一个为期2个月的项目,包括严格的学习练习和实践活动,以及严格的评估过程, comprehensive learning assessments, and 30-40 hours of building an Invoice Management System. Within this invoicing application, users are able to track invoices, clients, and company information.

Toptal React Accelerator Graduate

Toptal, LLC


Vue, React, Node.. js、REST API、OpenAPI、RxJS、Stripe、Auth0 API、Auth0 Management API v2、反对.js, jQuery, Socket.IO


Git, AWS Deployment, Auth0, Bitbucket, AWS CloudFormation, Docker Compose, NGINX, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Google Compute Engine (GCE), Varnish, GitHub, Prisma, Webpack


Express.js, Nuxt.js, Next.js, NestJS, Swagger, Jest, Slim, CodeIgniter, OAuth 2, Bootstrap, Vuetify, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Tailwind CSS, Redux, Cypress


JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, CSS, SCSS, HTML, CSS3, PHP, GraphQL, php7


Databases, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis, Google Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Azure Cosmos DB, NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB


Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), WordPress, Amazon EC2, Drupal 7, Drupal, Magento, Contentful, Azure, Azure Functions


Jamstack, REST, Azure DevOps, Unit Testing


Back-end, Front-end, Full-stack, APIs, TypeORM, CI/CD Pipelines, MERN Stack, Message Queues, Content Management Systems (CMS), Data Migration, Chargebee, Chakra UI, Monorepos, Serverless, Web Scraping

Collaboration That Works

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